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Customer insights dashboards give an intelligent view of consumer sentiment analysis data in the form of charts and graphs that a company can use for better decision-making.
Here is a list of top 10 features to consider while selecting the best sentiment analysis software for your business.
A few months ago we began a task of migrating our Arabic sentiment analysis engine from a Python/Cython implementation to a Go implementation. The reason: speed. Go makes asynchronous programming and concurrency a cinch to use and that’s where we were able to realize some crazy speed boosts. Our English language sentiment analysis engine can analyze about 500 documents / second.
Python AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) module is pretty darn useful We recently introduced a new set of API calls for our enterprise customers (all customers will soon have access to these APIs) that allows you to create customized rules for categorizing text. For example, let’s say you want to classify Twitter data into one of two categories: Photography or Photoshop.
With the launch of our Social API a little over a month ago, Repustate now allows its customers to create rules to monitor social media, all without ever leaving the confines of your favourite programming environment. But the piece that was missing was the ability to get various statistics and reports about your data sources.
Python requests encoding - using the Python requests module might give you surprising results If you do anything remotely related to HTTP and use Python, then you’re probably using requests, the amazing library by Kenneth Reitz. It’s to Python HTTP programming what jQuery is to Javascript DOM manipulation - once you use it, you wonder how you ever did without it.
Need an Arabic part of speech tagger (AKA an Arabic POS Tagger)? How about German or Italian? You’re in luck - Repustate’s internal POS taggers have been opened up via our API to give our developers the ability to slice and dice multilingual text the way we do. The documentation for the POS tagger API call outlines all you need to know to get started.